TIR Silver i a 3 Weeks 1:1 Mentorship + Lifelong Access to Thinking Into Results.
This option is ideal if you are looking for a self-study course and want to try mentorship but are not ready to invest in the full mentorship. You will have 3 coaching sessions to clarify your goals, blockages and action steps and then you will continue with the TIR online program to make sure you reach your desired results.
Your Thinking Into Results® Program Includes:
1. Live weekly coaching sessions on Zoom
2. Lifelong Access to TIR
3. In-depth individual lessons and dynamic videos
4. A 220 pages participant guide and worksheets
The Thinking Into Results® Program is presented in twelve logical, simple and practical lessons, to ensure that the methods and success mindset become a part of each individual's thinking, actions and results and translate into an exceptional return on investment for you.
Acclaimed teacher, Bob Proctor, CEO - Sandy Gallagher and Natalia Desvall - PGI Certified Consultant, will guide you through this innovative, leadership and development program.
The comprehensive program and targeted curriculum includes:
Lesson 1: A Worthy Ideal
Lesson 2: The Knowing-Doing Gap
Lesson 3: Your Infinite Mind
Lesson 4: The Secret Genie
Lesson 5: Thinking into Results
Lesson 6: Environment is But Our Looking Glass
Lesson 7: Trample the Terror Barrier
Lesson 8: The Power of Praxis
Lesson 9: The Magic Word
Lesson 10: The Most Valuable Person
Lesson 11: Leaving Everyone with the Impression of Increase
Lesson 12: Magnifying the Mind
The service provided to the CLIENT is as per the program outline above.
All information provided by the CLIENT will be kept strictly confidential.
The CLIENT understands that coaching is not advice; psychotherapy or counseling and those professional referrals will be given if needed.
The CLIENT enters into coaching with the understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results.
The CLIENT(s) agrees to the following:
1. Please make all appointments and calls on time. If you know you will be late, call or email ahead of the lesson start and advise. If you must miss a session, 48-hour notice is required to reschedule.
2. Be honest and participate fully. Recognize that the coaching sessions are a confidential way to look at what you really want, and what it will take to make it happen.
3. Make a commitment to completing all of your assignments and to the action plans you create, and do what you have agreed to do.
4. Coaching and program fees are collected before beginning the coaching/facilitation program. There are No Refunds. Due to the nature of the Program you cannot receive a refund for the Program or any component event regardless of whether you attend the events or not. All funds will be deemed earned upon activation and access to the program for the CLIENT.
With the purchase of the program, the CLIENT indicates compliance with the above requests and understanding of the services provided.
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3 300,00$Price
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